如果是去看病的话 to see a doctor
只是去医院的话 go to the hospital
hospital 医院 hospital for infectious diseases 传染病医院 childrens hospital 儿童医院 obstetrics and gynecology hospital 妇产医院 tuberculosis hospital 结核病医院 stomatological hospital 口腔医院 army hospital 陆军医院 field hospital 野战医院 hospital of chinese medicine 中医医院 tumor hospita 肿瘤医院 general hospital 综合性医院
医院——hospital;nosodochium;nosocomium;Job'sdock;infirmary传染病医院 hospitalforinfectiousdiseases; 儿童医院 children'shospital; 妇产医院 obstetricsandgynecologyhospital; 兵站医院 camphospital; 隔离医院 isolationhospital; 结核病医院 tuberculosishospital; 口腔医院 stomatologicalhospital; 陆军医院 armyhospital;
牙医英文写作dentist,读作/'dɛntɪst/。dentist的意思是牙科医生,它是名词,例句如下:A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble. 牙医可能会决定拔掉那颗牙,以免反复发作。
Think of the clammy hands you get when you visit the dentist! 想想你去看牙医时那双黏糊糊的手!
The dentist commenced to dig, drill and finally fill the offending tooth. 牙医开始在那颗有问题的牙齿上挖洞,钻孔,直到最后把它补好。
Visit your dentist twice a year for a check-up. 每年去牙医处做两次牙齿检查。
在英式英语中,是急救室或急诊室的意思,全称Accident & Emergency. E.R. Emergency Room 是美国通常的叫法。
medical department/department of internal medicine:内科
surgical deparment;department of surgery: 外科
pediatrics department: 小儿科
obstetrics and gynecology department: 妇产科
ophtalmology department:眼科
dental department:牙科